Graduating with substantial debt can be an extremely daunting endeavour. After you’ve spent your time and effort to reach this milestone, you owe it to yourself to begin your professional career with as many advantages as possible.
At TPC Financial, we work with new graduates to manage their debt, negotiate employment, and provide clarity amongst an abundance of conflicting advice. We work extensively with new graduates from all over Canada to achieve a structured, debt-free lifestyle in as little time as possible, to ensure you’re starting your career from a position of good financial health.
Thinking About Incorporating?
As a new graduate you may already be thinking about incorporating professionally. We’ve created a short and simple quiz to help you determine if incorporation is right for you. Are you a dentist just starting out or thinking about buying a dental practice? We can discuss the advantages of incorporation early in your career. And if you’re a physician still in your residency, incorporation may not make sense now, but it’s never too early to start planning. Let us tell you more.
Monthly Fees
For Recent Graduates and Residents & Newly Practicing Physicians
We want to see you start out with the greatest opportunity to succeed, which is why we offer a graduated fee schedule for recent graduates, residents, and newly practicing physicians. We believe setting you up for success is so important that we’ll provide your initial financial plan and our monthly services at absolutely no cost. After working together for a year we’ll review your situation and introduce a graduated fee schedule based on your debt levels and other factors.
If you’re interested in speaking with a new graduate advisor, contact us today!